The Aussie sun is particularly powerful and its solar energy develops a whopping heat accumulation in your roof cavity, which then transfers into the rooms below, despite insulation or batts.
Taylor & Son Roofing now produces Tileguard® Heatguard, supplied in a full range of colours, to combat this heat absorption. Industry standards measure the heat reflective properties of roof coatings in terms of Total Solar Reflection (TSR).
TSR is a measurement of the solar energy reflected by the roof coating as a fraction or percentage of the total solar energy hitting the roof. The higher the TSR rating, the less solar energy is absorbed into the coating and through your roof into your home. For example, ordinary dark colours have a TSR rating of about 7% meaning they ‘soak up’ around 93% of the suns’ heat. Dark colours absorb much more heat than lighter colours and score very low TSR ratings.
Independent tests show that even with the darkest Tileguard® Heatguard colours, the TSR is almost 30%. Thats a 400% improvement in the amount of solar energy reflected away from your roof. This means you can be sure with Tileguard® Heatguard heat reflective roof coating, your home will remain cooler even with dark colours.
- Repel solar heat
- Your home stays cooler in summer
- Cut energy costs
- Add value to your home by protecting your roof
- Visual benefits to your roof
- Reduce carbon footprint
- Cut greenhouse emissions
White 89.3 TSR Gull Grey 57.8 TSR Amber54.2 TSR Terracotta 46.4 TSR Brushwood 42.6 TSR Mocha 40.0 TSR
Autumn 37.7 TSR Rivergum 36.3 TSR Dark Brown 33.9 TSR Cobble 31.5 TSR Rich Red 30.4 TSR Charcoal 29.6 TSR
Bluestone 28.0 TSR Black 26.0 TSR
For further information on Tileguard® Heatguard, or any of our products, please contact us: